In the News
Caring for a Veteran with PTSD: Essential Tools for Caregivers
July 2024
/Families for Depression Awareness/ — In this expert interview, CEO Jennifer N. Perusini, Ph.D., provides insightful information on caring for a Veteran with PTSD.
January 2024
/Davis Wright Tremaine LLP/ — Since WEB and with funding from the U.S. Air Force, Neurovation Labs has achieved significant milestones in the discovery and development of an oral precision medication for PTSD.
Columbia Women’s Business Society (The Scope): Dr. Jennifer Perusini of Neurovation Labs
February 28, 2023
/Columbia University/ — “My main vision, not just for the company but for my entire career, is to revolutionize mental healthcare. I view mental health disorders and psychiatric disorders as physical ailments with underlying physical causes. We should be able to diagnose and treat them with the same accuracy as we would for, say, strep.” —Dr. Jennifer Perusini
The Women of New York Biotech: 2022 Year in Review
December 30, 2022
/Biotech Metropolitan Women/ — …As we close out the year, we reflect on an industry that still performed with significant breakthroughs in how therapeutics are discovered, targeted, and delivered. We saw biotech startups across the globe making progress and hitting goals notwithstanding the market downturn. And in New York, the metropolitan life science ecosystem positioned itself in this standout crowd of warriors. Let us celebrate the FDA approvals, major funding events, strategic alliances and CEO recognitions- achieved by New York biotech companies and the women that lead them.
Neuroimaging to Identify Drug Targets for and to Diagnose PTSD
December 9, 2022
/Biotech Metropolitan Women/ — Advanced neuroimaging techniques that can detect disease-linked proteins in the brain could be the key to quickly and accurately diagnosing and treating post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), a disorder affecting roughly 6 percent of the population. Helmed by co-founder and CEO Dr. Jennifer Perusini, Neurovation Labs is a biotech company that aims to use neuroimaging to diagnose PTSD by targeting a brain protein closely linked to memory formation and trauma.
September 14, 2022
NEW YORK, NY /PRNewswire/ — Neurovation Labs, Inc., a biotechnology company targeting physiological biomarkers of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, today announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued U.S. Patent No. 11,439,715, on September 13, 2022. The patent, entitled “Compositions and Methods to Detect GluA1 in Brain and to Identify the Presence of GluA1-Mediated Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Other Neurological Disorders,” is directed to novel radiotracer compositions as well as methods for detecting GluA1 and GluA1-containing central nervous system receptors…
June 21, 2022
NEW YORK, NY /PRNewswire/ — Neurovation Labs, Inc., a biotechnology company developing the first objective diagnostic and companion treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), today announced that it has been awarded a second U.S. Air Force Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Direct to Phase II contract through AFWERX and Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). This contract follows a Phase I contract in December 2019 and a Phase II contract in June 2020, where the company gained the sponsorship of the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) 24th Special Operations Wing to continue development of the PTSD diagnostic and treatment. This Phase II contract will significantly accelerate the development of these pivotal healthcare technologies, as well as explore expansion into detecting Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), including mild TBI (mTBI)…
Six contemporary women entrepreneurs from Columbia you should know about
March 27, 2022
/Columbia Spectator/ — Without a doubt, Columbia and Barnard have a plethora of notable alumni who have changed society for the better. To celebrate Women’s History Month, Spectrum is highlighting contemporary women who have graduated from the University and gone on to accomplish incredible things. Read on to learn about these remarkable women.
xTechSearch finalist tackles post-traumatic stress disorder at the root of the problem
March 8, 2022
/U.S. Army xTech/ — Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a condition familiar to many U.S. Army Soldiers, whether they’ve experienced it themselves or through a colleague on the frontlines. While this mental health issue might seem unsolvable because it’s so widespread, an xTechSearch finalist gives hope to those struggling with PTSD.
January 19, 2022
NEW YORK, NY /PRNewswire/ — Neurovation Labs, Inc., a biotech company targeting physical biomarkers of PTSD for comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, today announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued U.S. Patent No. 11,224,668, on January 18, 2022. The patent, entitled “Compositions and Methods to Detect GluA1 in Brain and to Identify the Presence of GluA1-Mediated PTSD,” is directed to novel compositions and methods for diagnosing PTSD as well as treating PTSD following such a diagnosis…
9/11 Changed How Doctors Treat PTSD
September 9, 2021
/Smithsonian Magazine/ — Before September 11, 2001, many people thought of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)—if they thought of them at all—as things that happened to soldiers in faraway war zones. But after the entire nation watched the Twin Towers crumble on television, it became clear that trauma could hit much closer to home. And you didn’t need to be physically involved to feel the effects, either.
Time to Buy the Magic Stocks? Magic Mushrooms, That Is.
September 8, 2021
/24/7 Wall St/ — . . . . The U.S. Air Force and Army have been supporting a different approach to PTSD.
This May Be First Step In Curing PTSD With A Pill
September 3, 2021
/Defense One/ — A new company, with funding from the U.S. Army, may have found the secret to treating PTSD with a pill or some other direct form of medicine.
STEM to the Sky: “Meet Dr. Jennifer Perusini”
July 20, 2021
/STEM to the Sky Podcast/— Dr. Jennifer Perusini is the founder and CEO of Neurovation Labs, a New York-based biotech startup. Neurovation Labs was born out of Dr. Perusini’s research, where she and her team discovered a brain biomarker that can be targeted to both diagnose and treat post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), revolutionizing mental health care.
10 Finalists Announced in Fifth U.S. Army Expeditionary Technology Search Competition
March 17, 2021
/U.S. Army/ — The U.S. Army xTech Program announced the 10 finalists of the competition’s fifth Expeditionary Technology Search (xTechSearch) cohort, xTechSearch 5…xTechSearch is a competition for small businesses – sponsored by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology), also known as ASA(ALT) – designed to attract non-traditional small businesses who are working on transformative technology solutions that can be applied to help solve the Army’s challenges…
March 8, 2021
/Neurovation Labs Press Release/ — Neurovation Labs, Inc., a biotechnology company developing the first objective diagnostic and companion treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), today announced that it has been selected to advance as Finalists through the highly selective Army Expeditionary Technology Search program (xTechSearch) 5 competition. The xTechSearch competition seeks novel, disruptive concepts and technologies to support the Army’s top modernization priorities that can provide technology advancement or enable cost savings throughout the Army systems’ life cycle. As Finalists, the company received a $120,000 prize as well as an invitation to participate in the Army xTech Accelerator, powered by FedTech, a 6-month long cohort-based program that assists companies in becoming successful dual-use ventures that ultimately transition their technologies into the Army, as well as thrive as small businesses in the United States…
December 1, 2020
/Michelle’s Conversations that Matter podcast/— Join the PTSD conversation with neuroscientist Jennifer Perusini, Ph.D. She is up to big things with her work.
RX Chillpill: Revolutionizing Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment with Dr. Jennifer Perusini
November 29, 2020
/RX Chillpill podcast/— Can Mental Illness be measured and stopped in its tracks? Dr. Perusini and her lab are one of the innovators working to do exactly this for PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
PJ Medcast with Dr. Stephen Rush- Important PTSD Research
October 7 and 12, 2020
/PJ Medcast podcast/— Dr. Perusini explains her discovery with the labs she has worked at on some of the basic brain biochemistry of PTSD. She discusses basic science research establishing localization of increase in distinct pathways in the fear center of the brain, the amygdala. Two-part series.
June 25, 2020
NEW YORK, NY/ PRNewswire/ — Neurovation Labs, Inc., a biotechnology company developing the first objective diagnostic and companion treatment for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), today announced that it has been awarded a U.S. Air Force Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II contract through AFWERX and Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). This award follows the completion of a successful Phase I contract where the company gained the sponsorship of the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) 24th Special Operations Wing to pursue the development of the PTSD diagnostic and treatment. Separately, Neurovation Labs was selected to advance through the first stage of the highly selective Army Expeditionary Technology Search program (xTechSearch) v5 competition. The Phase II contract and the xTechSearch award total over $750,000, which will significantly accelerate the development of these pivotal healthcare technologies…
Air Force Contract Supports Development of Diagnostic and Treatment for PTSD
February 17, 2020
/CLP Magazine/ — The US Air Force small business innovation research program (SBIR) has issued a phase I contract to Neurovation Labs, New York, NY, to support its ongoing development of an objective diagnostic and companion treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
January 6, 2020
/TBI One Love podcast/ — This episode featured Neurovation Labs CEO Jennifer Perusini and Audrey Lambidakis, TBI survivor and founder of TBI Brain Waves.
Small Biz Grant Funds PTSD Diagnostic, Treatment
December 16, 2019
/Science & Enterprise/ — A company creating diagnostics and a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is receiving initial funding to develop its products. Neurovation Labs in New York is a recipient of an early-stage Small Business Innovation Research award from the U.S. Air Force to develop a reliable molecular test for PTSD and a treatment addressing that biomarker.
December 16, 2019
NEW YORK, NY/ PRNewswire/ — Neurovation Labs, Inc., a biotechnology company developing the first objective diagnostic and companion treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), has been awarded a U.S. Air Force Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I contract through AFWERX and Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) to advance the development of these pivotal technologies.
Super Cities with Jennifer Perusini (Neurovation Labs, a biotech company)
/Super Cities Podcast/— On this episode of Super Cities, we do a deep dive with Jennifer Perusini, founder and CEO of Neurovation Labs, a biotech company. We cover innovation in healthcare, government support for researchers, and where the biotech market is headed
Getting Past PTSD: How Neurovation’s GRIA1 programs could improve PTSD diagnosis and treatment
June 21, 2018
/BioCentury/ — Neurovation Labs Inc. is developing a GRIA1-targeting tracer and a small molecule therapy that could provide an objective diagnosis of PTSD and treat the underlying disease instead of just its symptoms.
March 8, 2017
/Harvesting Happiness podcast/— During this week’s radio show you will learn about: Psychobiotics, how a bio-marker is being used to diagnose and treat PTSD, communication between the mind and the gut, and new research and developments in the treatment of PTSD.
This NYC Startup Was Born out of 9/11 To Do This
November 29, 2016
/Alley Watch/ — It is estimated that 7.9% of Americans will suffer from some form of PTSD in their lifetime. While this may or may not be a surprising number, the real surprising part is that there is no true diagnostic for diagnosing PTSD . Until Neurovation Labs, the NYC startup that is focused on creating a more scientific diagnosis for the disorder in addition to developing a future treatment that’s based on data and research rather than subjective factors.
Neurovation Labs, Inc. Secures Seed Funding for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Diagnostic
October 24, 2016
NEW YORK, NY/ BusinessWire/ — Neurovation Labs, Inc., a biotechnology company developing Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”) diagnostics and treatments, is pleased to announce that it has successfully raised its seed funding round earlier this month. This financing was completed with the support of individual angel investors based in the United States.